
Keeping Your Dog Safe during Fireworks

Keeping Your Dog Safe during Fireworks

North Woods Animal Treats on Jul 2nd 2019

The fourth of July is a traditional, fun summer celebration and the fireworks at night are part of it.  Many dogs have a terrible time with the unexpected and unpredictable loud noises that acc … read more
Pet sitter or boarding outside the home?

Pet sitter or boarding outside the home?

North Woods Animal Treats on Jun 4th 2019

With the summer season upon us, vacations, camps and traveling are all at the top of our activity lists.  What to do with your pet is, of course, of upmost importance.  There are so many … read more
Spring Shedding and ways to handle it

Spring Shedding and ways to handle it

Apr 4th 2019

Welcome spring! Spring means all kinds of great things; more daylight hours, warmer temperatures, new plant growth. Another kind of new growth can be seen in your pet’s coat. Animals shed seasona … read more
I love you! In Cat Language

I love you! In Cat Language

North Woods Animal Treats on Feb 11th 2019

Cats are very subtle in their communication, both with each other and with us.  Sometimes their language is crystal clear, like when hissing, "BACK OFF!", but more often, they express themselv … read more